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Vridar 06-18-2013 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by miriam (Post 6130210)
You aren't the only one learning from these type threads. Did you find the wall paper Grant made? I have it on my computer.

No, point me to it, please. Edit-Duh I see the link you posted. ADD is a terrible syndrome. Another edit - I'm completely lost. Ron, take a breath, count to ten, reboot and pay attention.

Sideways 06-18-2013 03:39 PM

Thank you so much Miriam!!!

miriam 06-18-2013 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by Vridar (Post 6130233)
No, point me to it, please. Edit-Duh I see the link you posted. ADD is a terrible syndrome.

It is either here on this thread or on the one with the fancy stitches and then on the 15 clone pages - look for Grant's post about wallpaper - I put links to those threads on page 13 above.

grant15clone 06-19-2013 03:37 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by miriam (Post 6130241)
It is either here on this thread or on the one with the fancy stitches and then on the 15 clone pages - look for Grant's post about wallpaper - I put links to those threads on page 13 above.

Here are the two I have done for Quilting Board.



redmadder 06-19-2013 04:19 AM

2 Attachment(s)
OMG! All those machine together have me drooling. Here is my Viscount a friend gave me. As you can see, she's missing the needle plate that opens to the front, was probably hinged. What I need is to find a common name brand that has the same plate so that Jennie at Sew-Classic can find it for me.

It measures 3 1/4 inch wide and had the screws evenly spaced on each side, not offset. It measures 5 inches from front to back. Strange, it has a screw hole on the machine behind the needle where something went. Caroline S has a Brother 280 that looks similiar. The 1977 Kenmore 158.13571, jlm5419. the Stitchmaster, grant 15clone.

Why am I obsessed with returning her to working condition? Uh, do I really need to explain that to this group?

grant15clone 06-19-2013 05:11 AM

Originally Posted by redmadder (Post 6130900)
OMG! All those machine together have me drooling. Here is my Viscount a friend gave me. As you can see, she's missing the needle plate that opens to the front, was probably hinged. What I need is to find a common name brand that has the same plate so that Jennie at Sew-Classic can find it for me.

It measures 3 1/4 inch wide and had the screws evenly spaced on each side, not offset. It measures 5 inches from front to back. Strange, it has a screw hole on the machine behind the needle where something went. Caroline S has a Brother 280 that looks similiar. The 1977 Kenmore 158.13571, jlm5419. the Stitchmaster, grant 15clone.

Why am I obsessed with returning her to working condition? Uh, do I really need to explain that to this group?

Redmadder, I am glad that you are getting this machine going again. Thanks for the comment btw. What you need to be careful of is the feed dog holes in the needleplate itself. They need to line up with the feed dogs. That back screw hole just holds the back of the plate in place so it doesn't flip up or slide out. I think the needle plate on this machine "floats" in that opening. I don't think it is hinged. The slideplate has two little tabs on it and they go under the needle plate. Many of these machines they are the same. I almost want to say that most, are the same. You should be able to find the right one. You might want to find a sewing repair shop that has been around for a while and call them and see if they have any doner machines. Take the machine in and see if they can match them up for you. Good Luck to you.

redmadder 06-19-2013 04:30 PM

Alas, all such shops have closed here. Calhoun, Adairsville, Rome, Cartersville and I think we need a passport to go to Atlanta. That may just be a local assumption. If not for the internet we'd be in the dark ages here. But thanks for the advice. If this one didn't run so sweetly I'd transplant her motor to the 556 New Home. May anyway if I don't find a plate for her. Thanks again.

miriam 06-19-2013 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by redmadder (Post 6130900)
OMG! All those machine together have me drooling. Here is my Viscount a friend gave me. As you can see, she's missing the needle plate that opens to the front, was probably hinged. What I need is to find a common name brand that has the same plate so that Jennie at Sew-Classic can find it for me.

It measures 3 1/4 inch wide and had the screws evenly spaced on each side, not offset. It measures 5 inches from front to back. Strange, it has a screw hole on the machine behind the needle where something went. Caroline S has a Brother 280 that looks similiar. The 1977 Kenmore 158.13571, jlm5419. the Stitchmaster, grant 15clone.

Why am I obsessed with returning her to working condition? Uh, do I really need to explain that to this group?

The picture does not come up on my computer. Probably some bug or something on my end... I wish I could see it. I have some derelict machines...

MadCow333 06-19-2013 07:53 PM

Those are some nice additions to this thread. :-)

redmadder 06-20-2013 02:47 AM

Miriam, if you pm me, maybe I could send the picture that way?

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