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-   For Vintage & Antique Machine Enthusiasts (https://www.quiltingboard.com/vintage-antique-machine-enthusiasts-f22/)
-   -   Vintage Japanese 'Badged' Zig Zag and Straight Sew Sewing Machines (https://www.quiltingboard.com/vintage-antique-machine-enthusiasts-f22/vintage-japanese-badged-zig-zag-straight-sew-sewing-machines-t207877.html)

Rodney 05-23-2014 08:02 AM

I like the Belair. A 99 clone but aluminum. I wouldn't turn down any of them though. All are nice machines.

Chris77 05-29-2014 11:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
New to the forums, this looks like the place to ask about my new CL find. Seems to be the same as some of the models posted here, different badging. The only place I can find reference to country of origin is on the motor (which says Kitchener, Canada). The machine came with next to nothing though and I sadly discovered it's missing the bobbin holder. Anyone know where I can get one and what model I'm looking for. Would also love to find a manual (though it looks like the one in this thread may suffice) and a zig-zag foot, although that's not totally necessary as my wife intends to use it for straight stitches (shirring mostly). Finally, at the risk of being too long winded if anyone can offer cleaning tips I'd be really grateful. There appears to be a serial number stamped into the frame YZ9 2489, if that helps. Thanks!

miriam 05-30-2014 02:02 AM

Wow Chris77 that is beautiful. It was made in Japan. I have a White with similar colors. Some times clones were sent with no motor and the OSMG put a motor and foot control on it or it is possible someone replaced the motor at some point. We have a lot of info on cleaning and if you read this whole thread I have posted info on finding a generic manual. Here is a thread on cleaning you might enjoy.
There is info in the sticky notes at the beginning of the vintage section on cleaning up old sewing machines. Muv made some real nice videos. You do need to be careful of the finish. Your's does not look all that dirty from here - I can't even smell it. The lever is for zz and the knobs set it to stay in one place. The cool thing about the lever is you can move the lever as you sew and cause some patterns which are a bit free but kind of fun to do.

Chris77 05-30-2014 08:18 AM

Thanks! Been rummaging around on the forums and have found more stuff that should help as well (lots of it from miriam). Is there also a forum for vintage sewing machine addiction as I may have caught the bug?! :D

SteveH 05-30-2014 09:27 AM

Originally Posted by Chris77 (Post 6737298)
... Is there also a forum for vintage sewing machine addiction as I may have caught the bug?! :D

You are in it.....

miriam 05-30-2014 09:58 AM

Originally Posted by Chris77 (Post 6737298)
Thanks! Been rummaging around on the forums and have found more stuff that should help as well (lots of it from miriam). Is there also a forum for vintage sewing machine addiction as I may have caught the bug?! :D

you can look on my profile and look at threads I started.

GroovyEyeDesigns 06-05-2014 10:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hello everyone,

I'm new around here. I posted a photo of my new vintage machine in another thread, but I figured I'd share it here as well. I don't have a manual for it, not can I find one. I don't know much about it... What I do know is that it's all metal, made in Japan and badged. Oh, and it's funky...

Anyone know what it's a clone of? I need to get the stitch length button fixed and I have no idea where to even begin to look for possible solutions.

Mrs Finch 06-06-2014 07:53 AM

That is so super-graphic, early to mid 1970-s. I can't look away...

GroovyEyeDesigns 06-06-2014 09:18 AM

Originally Posted by Mrs Finch (Post 6747356)
That is so super-graphic, early to mid 1970-s. I can't look away...

I couldn't either! It was so me! Now to get the thing working... I am just worried that because there's no manual or model to compare it to, they won't be able to service it. :(

miriam 06-06-2014 01:08 PM

That Emdeko looks a lot like a Singer 6215 of that time period.

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