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-   -   Vintage Japanese 'Badged' Zig Zag and Straight Sew Sewing Machines (https://www.quiltingboard.com/vintage-antique-machine-enthusiasts-f22/vintage-japanese-badged-zig-zag-straight-sew-sewing-machines-t207877.html)

Cari-in-Oly 10-07-2014 05:17 PM

Originally Posted by missykay (Post 6919446)
Ok...Thank you. I was trying to find some gears that may be locked up, but I don't know where there would be any on the underside. Should I take that faceplate off? The screws are really tight and I don't want to risk breaking or stripping them. The top is really in good shape, there's not a lot of dust in there so I'm pretty sure that its locked up on the underside. http://www.quiltingboard.com/attachm...d=494582&stc=1

See that flat plate with 3 screws right behind the hook? Behind that plate is the hook drive gear. Clean out the old hard grease and replace it with fresh grease. It's not usually a gear that's locked up, it's usually oil that's old and turned varnish like. That's why I suggested using rubbing alcohol as it dissolves old dried oil almost immediately.


Caroline S 10-08-2014 02:09 AM

Nice to see "The Dark Underside"

miriam 10-08-2014 02:22 AM

Can you turn the hand wheel at all? If you can, drop a little oil on the part that move. If you can't drop a little oil on the parts that should move - try to gently turn it as you oil. You can use Tri-Flo if you like - get it at a bike shop. There does seem to be a little glaze on some of the moving parts. What you don't want is the alcohol to clean things off then not enough lube and the parts that move can rust. The gear box does need some clean up, get regular grease for it. I think if you search Joe has made a lot of comments on grease.

missykay 10-08-2014 11:51 AM

Ok, I took the plate off and there was A LOT of brown grease in there, it was at least 2cm deep. I got most of it out but it doesn't look like its stuck because the grease is not hard. Should I clean all of it out because I don't know what I'd use to get it all out. There is some movement when I turn the wheel, like the thread take up, but it just stops and I can still turn the wheel but nothing moves. I'm going to get the singer oil just because its all I could find without having to wait for it from Amazon.
Wow...I am so thankful to all of you! This machine means a lot to me.

Mama Llama 01-30-2015 05:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I finally got back on this board and read a request to post the pic of my Riccar here. It's in storage currently but hopefully will find our new home soon.

Midgetty 06-06-2015 06:51 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Hi! I am new to this site, and new to collecting vintage sewing machines. I just picked up a machine, and would like to know more about it, please:


Underneath, it says:


And it it has an "alpha sew" belt:


Is is it a rebadged Singer 15-30? Thank you!

greywuuf 06-06-2015 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by Midgetty (Post 7219135)

Is is it a rebadged Singer 15-30? Thank you!

I am pretty weak on Japanese machines, but I CAN tell you it is NOT rebadged 15-30. Singer 15's ( and 15 class machines) are a straight stitch machine, no ZZ function.

greywuuf 06-06-2015 07:32 PM

I forgot to mention it is a very solid and appealing looking machine... to bad about the "pin rash" type damage on the pillar, she appears almost pristine other than that.

miriam 06-06-2015 07:33 PM

That is not a rebadged 15-30 it is just a zig zag machine. Neat and I would love to play with it though.

miriam 06-06-2015 08:50 PM

pin rash might just be a sign of a nice working machine

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