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-   -   Vintage Japanese 'Badged' Zig Zag and Straight Sew Sewing Machines (https://www.quiltingboard.com/vintage-antique-machine-enthusiasts-f22/vintage-japanese-badged-zig-zag-straight-sew-sewing-machines-t207877.html)

ritalz 11-22-2017 06:54 PM

I do have one more question if anyone happens to know. What is the age of this machine? It's not overly important, just curious.

Cari-in-Oly 11-22-2017 07:55 PM

Unless someone has documentation on a machine just like it the best we can say is mid to late 1950s.


alaskahl 11-27-2017 09:17 PM

Originally Posted by [email protected] (Post 7823682)
Just got this beauty yesterday and would like any info anyone can provide about it. Like what year it was made or anything like that. The model number is #752, Serial #3045. On the bottom it has J-C5 stamped into it. Other than these id's there is no other marking on it.

Hi, I found this photo while looking for info on my own sewing machine. It looks nearly identical and is also stamped with J-C5, but is model #750. My mother gave it to me. It had been a graduation gift from her grandmother. She believes was purchased in 1972. Have you found any more information about your machine?

ritalz 11-28-2017 08:55 PM

No, nothing new. Been busy with other projects and of course turkey day. There seems to be many versions of this machine.

ritalz 01-13-2018 05:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm back with another question. Was trying to do a little work with this machine and ran into a question. The needle is to the left of the center on the foot. It sews ok but I find it hard to concentrate on my line and the work tends to wander. You can see in the picture where the needle is not centered. The only way I can seem to center is by adjusting the zig zag but then I don't get a straight stitch. The only other thing I can think is perhaps the wrong foot is mounted (I only have the one). Still learning about this machine and being a novice at sewing does not help. Thanks

Cari-in-Oly 01-14-2018 12:52 AM

Nope your machine is fine and has the right foot. You have what's called a left-homing or left needle machine. Straight stitch is done in left needle position. Great for garment sewing, not so much for quilt piecing.


ritalz 01-14-2018 09:20 AM

Thanks Cari. I've never noticed a left homing machine before. So much to learn, so little time.

ritalz 01-16-2018 03:32 PM

I did my own modification today to center the foot. Removed the two tiny screws on the foot and replaced them with a pin and offset the foot slightly to the left. then I opened the hole a little to the right with a small grinder in case I still want to use the zig zag. End result is I am very slightly to the right of center but that is ok with me. Gives me a much better view while straight line sewing.

yobrosew 01-26-2018 06:33 AM

I realize this is an old post but just now seeing these “wallpapers”. Five years later, they are still great! Great and Thanks for making.

ritalz 04-04-2018 05:24 PM

Did some sewing on some vinyl fabric the other day. While my talent is still lacking, the machine performed exactly like I hoped it would. I'm trying to make a custom seat cover for a old motorcycle. Nothing fancy but it has to pull tight over some foam and a metal frame. I was just happy to see the machine work this well on a heavy material. If my results turn out good, I will post a picture.

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