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cabbagepatchkid 04-08-2011 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by Kathie S.
I just got my cabinet back for my 66. We/hubby put a new belt on it and now it slips. Can anyone tell me what is wrong?
Thank you, Kathie

I'm not an expert but from what I've read you will need to shorten your belt just a tiny bit. I think 1/4 inch trim, at a time, until it fits just right.

Kathie S. 04-08-2011 07:37 PM

Originally Posted by cabbagepatchkid

Originally Posted by Kathie S.
I just got my cabinet back for my 66. We/hubby put a new belt on it and now it slips. Can anyone tell me what is wrong?
Thank you, Kathie

I'm not an expert but from what I've read you will need to shorten your belt just a tiny bit. I think 1/4 inch trim, at a time, until it fits just right.

Thank you, I thought that it needed to be shortened. Now to convince Hubby he has to do it all over again.

Lostn51 04-08-2011 08:00 PM

Originally Posted by dirty1mom
Billy, you are online. I hope that means you are feeling better.

I walked out to the studio today to look around and get my game plan going and sat on the loveseat for an hour or so with Dixie. It took all I had to go out there and do that. I was just worn out doing something simple like that. I never get sick hardly and when I do I just keep on going but this time it has handed me my lunch big time!!

But I am going out there this weekend come heck or high water!!!


Quiltgranny 04-08-2011 08:00 PM

Originally Posted by sewbizgirl

Originally Posted by Quiltgranny
My wedding quilt just came back from the quilter today. It only has 1200+ pieces in it, the smallest a modest 2". You can see it here if your like:



That is just beautiful, Quiltgranny, and a fabulous gift! Did you do that wonderful piecing on a vintage machine? :lol:

I did all the piecing on my Bernina 1090. I can't wait tho, to start piecing on my new treadle and my new 301. :D

BoJangles 04-08-2011 08:04 PM

Originally Posted by BZ quilting
Nancy thank you so much for answering my question. I had asked it 2 times and thought it mus be the stupidest question ever since no one answered it. What do you use, the singer lube ???

Yes, I use the Singer Lubricant on all the treadle irons. Remember, if you use those treadles you should keep them greased!

There are no stupid questions here! You should read some of the ones I asked when I started with this vintage group!


iluvmycats 04-08-2011 08:04 PM

I wrote earlier regarding the usty smell in the 221 and 301 I have. Both of the cases smell musty, however it is the musty smell of the machines. Is it old oil on the parts and if so, what do I use to clean. I know on the 221, I have to replace the felt pad on the bottom, but in general, what is the best way to get rid of the smell in the machines? Thanks, Nancy

Lostn51 04-08-2011 08:09 PM

Originally Posted by sewbizgirl

Originally Posted by mtspools

Originally Posted by Lostn51
I am looking forward to everyone coming in!! We have plenty of space and lots information to share with each other!

I am glad to see you all here! :D :D :D


I bought this kenwood at garage sale 2 or 3 years ago for $25.00. I can find lots info on singers but nothing on this. do not find any serial number on it, where might they be?Aslo it says made in USA .Does anyone know anything about this machine? thanks for any info I can get.

Your Kenwood is beautiful... could it have been made by the White Co.? It looks like one they made so maybe it was badged as a Kenwood. The cabinet and the irons are so pretty.

What I really LOVE is the quilt in your avatar. Do you have a bigger picture of that? Is it your own design? It's gorgeous!

I havent caught up on the pages yet but it looks to be either a National or Eldredge to me.

I will look it up once I get caught up and see for sure if someone hasnt beat me to it yet! :P


BoJangles 04-08-2011 08:11 PM

Originally Posted by cabbagepatchkid[url=http://worcester.craigslist.org/atq/2312513851.html

I am sick, sick, sick :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: . I ended up calling the ad and I will go to see it in the morning. Well, now my other black 301 will no longer be lonely :lol: I have several two tone 301's and 2 mocha 301's and my lonely little black one was feeling left out.

Cabbagepath, you are funny! Post a picture for us when you get the new 301!


Lostn51 04-08-2011 08:13 PM

Originally Posted by Kathie S.
I just got my cabinet back for my 66. We/hubby put a new belt on it and now it slips. Can anyone tell me what is wrong?
Thank you, Kathie

Ah the belt slips problem.........when you put a new belt on your machine it has a tendency to stretch over time until it gets settled in and you have to trim a bit off and put it back together. Usually it takes a few times before one gets in the grove of things so to speak. That is the only thing I do not like about putting a new belt on is the break in period. :|


Lostn51 04-08-2011 08:15 PM

Originally Posted by stefanib123
Hey, everyone! I'm getting a treadle! I put a post about it on the main board, I'm so excited.

All I know is its a black Singer, LOL. Its in a cabinet/table and it seems to work good, I'm told.

When I get it, tomorrow, I will post pics probably will need help figuring out which one it is.

Congratulations on your new machine!!!! And welcome to the wonderful sickness we call collecting vintage machines!!!


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