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-   -   Vintage Sewing Machine Shop.....Come on in and sit a spell (https://www.quiltingboard.com/vintage-antique-machine-enthusiasts-f22/vintage-sewing-machine-shop-come-sit-spell-t43881.html)

Kathie S. 05-02-2011 09:03 PM

Billy told me that I just joined the Paw Foot crowd. I just bought a Jones and Company 1890 sewing machine. It will be delivered Tuesday afternoon. I can hardly wait. I bought four machines from this gentleman. I am excited. :-D I need another machine like I need a hole in my head. That will make 14 machines for me. Hubby is saying where are you going to put them. Kathie

littleone 05-02-2011 09:08 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Well I've searched on the net all day looking for information on my old singer machines. The treadle (Sherrie) has been with me for 10 years She has a broken belt so don't know how she stitches. the number on the front of her is G4382141, she came with lots of attachments. The singer 414G I picked up today from a lady who is moving out of the city. Came with the manual, original parts, zig zag attachment, lots of bobbins. The lady bought the machine in Germany while stationed over there. I am wanting to know how old the machines are, where I can find a belt for the treadle and how to put the belt on.


Singer 414G

Kathie S. 05-02-2011 09:31 PM

I am wanting to know how old the machines are, where I can find a belt for the treadle and how to put the belt on.[/quote]

Beautiful machines. Belts are easy to find. Check with a Singer repair shop or just a plain old repair shop should have one. They sell for about $10.
Go to Singer Sewing Company support serial numbers. You will need the serial number to look the information. Kathie

jljack 05-02-2011 10:06 PM

I wonder if someone sent you the wrong foot. Does it go down all the way?[/quote]

Yes, it goes down all the way, and then after it touches the bed, it kind of "scoots" forward. It has a pivot pin at the back of the foot. I couldn't take a picture tonight...I was at a club meeting and then it got too late. I'll do one tomorrow night. I need to go to bed!! LOL

jljack 05-02-2011 10:06 PM

Originally Posted by SewExtreme
It is amazing to try and keep up on this thread if one drops out for just a few days. Jljack, I think you said a few pages back that you were embarrassed that you have had a vintage machine for a year and haven't done anything with it.

GUILTY here :oops: :oops: :oops: ...many times over. Sew much to do and sew little time to sew...

Hahaha!!! That's me.....sew much to do and sew little time to sew!

jljack 05-02-2011 10:08 PM

Originally Posted by Glenn
I am back, we got power today at 10:00 am. No power for five days and we got hit really bad. I have about a month of clean up new roof and several trees to get rid of . They were all about 150 years old. Houses across the way were destroyed we were very lucky. We had no gas no water for five days and the first thing I did today was take a hot shower. I am happy again. It will take me a week to read the new threads on the VSMS. Glenn

So glad you are all OK....now get to work!!! We were so worried about you!!! :-)

jljack 05-02-2011 10:11 PM

Originally Posted by Grandmother23
Here are a few pictures from my trip. Picked up the Kenmore (really ugly machine IMHO) in a cabinet with a sewing chair, and a buttonholer for $30. The man said it was sitting around for a long time and I know why! :mrgreen: Model #117.580 Serial#18880

Another Kenmore M#117.552 S#384593-Both of these machines are in the same kind of cabinet. When I called Kenmore, I was told they were at least 20 years old as there were no records for them.

And then the Free machine.

Minnesota machine-I really like this one.


Oh, Lauren!! I love these machines....even the ugly one!! Lucky girl!!!

miriam 05-03-2011 02:39 AM

That bottom Singer is a 414g? Looks like a 404 but made in Germany - those were most likely a 'beginner' machine a - just a simple to use straight stitch - a lot were probably used in schools late 50s and early 60s. They are a wonderful machine. They have the same slant needle as the 301, 401 & 500 so all of the accessories fit it too. It is easy to see the needle because of the slant and they have a very nice light. They are a straight stitch only. They are also light weight - about the same size and weight of the 301. BUT what I like is the drop in bobbin - so easy to use! It takes the class 66 bobbins. I bought out a school full of them a couple years ago. My grand daughters and great niece each sew with one. Some day they will graduate to 400's or 500's for the decorative stitches I'm sure.

Mornigstar 05-03-2011 04:35 AM

The treadle I got this week looks similar to yours -a 128-
Sitting in garage for me to redo cabinet. Nothing came with it. Took " before" photo's of the machine last night then when I tried to print the manual the printer gave me problems so I'll have to wait.
Going out ot town quilting today. Nice machines.

BoJangles 05-03-2011 04:46 AM

Originally Posted by Grandmother23
Here are a few pictures from my trip. Picked up the Kenmore (really ugly machine IMHO) in a cabinet with a sewing chair, and a buttonholer for $30. The man said it was sitting around for a long time and I know why! :mrgreen: Model #117.580 Serial#18880

Another Kenmore M#117.552 S#384593-Both of these machines are in the same kind of cabinet. When I called Kenmore, I was told they were at least 20 years old as there were no records for them.

And then the Free machine.

Minnesota machine-I really like this one.


Lauren, I love the Minnesota and the Free looks like it will be a very pretty machine once you get the grime off! I use my Free all the time, very smooth machine to treadle! Not sure about the Kenmore, the jury is still out of that one! LOL


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