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debbiewi 05-23-2011 07:04 AM

I used the gojo and cotton balls. and just sed light circular motions and lotsa cotton balls. I did have one spot on top that started to silver so I didn't keep working on that spot

jtapp9 05-23-2011 07:09 AM

A piece of advice please?

In the 500A that I just got recently, If it is not threaded it will sit and "sew" like mad. No catching or glitches or anything. As soon as I put thread in it and attempt to sew then I can feel it tightening up, like its catching, and the thread will break after maybe 4 stitches. Lots of birds nest underneath. Sometimes it wont even start to sew on its own and the two handwheels will part and the inner one (larger) will spin but not the outer (smaller) one. As soon as I pull the thread out it will "sew" again.

I have changed the needle. I have taken the tension unit off and loosened it. I have tried several different kinds of thread. I've checked the bobbin area for crud.

Any other things I can try tonight?

I've had to put them away a bit because I kept tinkering with machines and NOT getting any sewing done. I've about come to the conclusion that I should just pay the money for ones that have already been serviced. My patience really does wear thin pretty quickly when it comes to tinkering with minor problems with seemingly no fixes...lol. I had decided to take them to the local SMS for a servicing but seems their number is no longer in service :(....sucks for me.

laura59 05-23-2011 07:36 AM

Going crazy here. A couple of weeks ago, I got my second FW. Didn't get a chance to really clean it up until this morning. I'm not a very patient person, so, after using GoJo and a ton of cotton balls, it is still dirty. There is a brownish gunk that comes off on the cotton balls. I put some GoJo on, going in circular motions, wait a few minutes, then wipe it off. After doing this for the 4th time this morning, there is still brown gunk coming off and the machine bed still feels sticky. Is there something else that I can use to maybe get this cleaned up? I have the first FW cleaned and set up in my living room and it works beautifully. Wanted to get this one cleaned up so that I can use it in my sewing room. (I like to sew in the living room when there is something good on tv, which isn't too often, as we only get local channels, no cable). Any help will be greatly appreciated.

miriam 05-23-2011 08:03 AM

Originally Posted by jtapp9
A piece of advice please?

In the 500A that I just got recently, If it is not threaded it will sit and "sew" like mad. No catching or glitches or anything. As soon as I put thread in it and attempt to sew then I can feel it tightening up, like its catching, and the thread will break after maybe 4 stitches. Lots of birds nest underneath. Sometimes it wont even start to sew on its own and the two handwheels will part and the inner one (larger) will spin but not the outer (smaller) one. As soon as I pull the thread out it will "sew" again.

I have changed the needle. I have taken the tension unit off and loosened it. I have tried several different kinds of thread. I've checked the bobbin area for crud.

Any other things I can try tonight?

Thread the machine. Then pull the thread just a little at each tread contact point. Where do you get drag? When you put the presser foot down does the drag change any place? I know you took the tension apart, but have you cleaned dead oil/gunk off the tension or any other contact point? Do you have any burrs on any places the thread goes through? Are you threading the 500 through all the holes? (I bypass some of them - don't really need all of them.) Take the bobbin thread and pull it. Does it drag too much? Is there any dried up oil in the bobbin case keeping it from spinning freely? Different bobbin? Don't try to run the motor until it hand cranks real good stitches.

I have a Consew walking foot that has been dragging lately. I had to clean dead oil off the tension. I also had the thing threaded wrong order and that broke thread. Drives me crazy. I have a certain cone of thread that keeps breaking too. There is always something when you sew. Patience.

SewExtremeSeams 05-23-2011 08:55 AM

Ok, I am sitting here eating breakfast and trying to catch up with four pages of new stuff... and I only left it for about 10 hours.

Sandi, loved your long post. I agree with you.

Sew... my FW bobbin problem has not been addressed yet... meaning I haven't explained it properly. When I am finished eating I am going to go take photos, post them and hopefully do a better job of explaining what my problem is. It is beginning to bug me that the bobbin and its case fall out, even though I have that hook snapped in. I will be back... :-D

vintagemotif 05-23-2011 09:57 AM

The Dang Singer 758

Ok, I read to make sure that the plastic bobbins are all screwed tightly. Check did that, but I didn't think about them warping.

Don't know anything about Singer 744, but if it is anything like the 758 do not waste your time with it. Go hunt for better! Save yourself from frustration.

OMG Billy! I'm not that frustrated that I would use the thing for target practice- must be your male hormones. I don't think I will keep it for parts. I just thought I would oil it, make sure it worked, and sell it cheap since I will not be using an electric. Maybe I will sell as parts machine. I can't sell this piece of crap for someone to actually use for sewing.

Nancy, The plastic on this foot is worn smooth, but I used the Singer walking foot that was with the machine. The gal that gave me the machine didn't have the bottom of the regular foot just the post part. She has misplaced the feet box. I had a high shank regular foot that I got in a box of attachments. I used that, but then thought maybe the walking foot would work better and help with the stitches. So, after changing the feet, I did have nice stitches. I then tested the bobbin winder and it was all down hill from there.

Some machines are worth the trouble of trying to make them work, but this is a machine not worth my time…or anyone's for that matter. And it isn't even a cute machine to keep on a shelf. Maybe Billy does have the best solution for the Singers 758.

vintagemotif 05-23-2011 10:00 AM

Originally Posted by QuilterGary
I had a nice visit with a retired Singer sewing machine repairman Sat. We talked about all of the good old machines. I told him that I just picked up a 201-2 in the dark art deco cabinet and a 15-91 in the blond art deco cabinet. He went on and on about the 201-2 being the best machine ever made. It is a keeper. Latter in the day I was at a LQS for some parts and he said the same thing about the 201-2. I might let the 15-91 get adopted out when I get it cleaned up. He also said on the newer singers up thru the model 620 was good machine or at least some of the early 600's. Just opion don't kill the messager.

Keep your 15-91 too; it is better to use than the 201 for free motion quilting. The man is correct in that the 201 is a beautiful machine to sew with- smooth and quiet with beautiful stitches. And easy to repair! Congrats on your excellent finds and enjoy quilting with them.

vintagemotif 05-23-2011 10:05 AM

Originally Posted by Crossstitcher
Vintage, I like how you put the bindings on. Will have to try that would be soooo much faster than by hand. I would never try this before because I was afraid it would have one big pucker at the end. Oh! and your quilt is pretty too!
The scout will really love it I'm sure.

Thank you Trish and everyone else! It is soo much faster. I only had trouble once with a pucker and that was when I didn't use a walking foot; I forgot to put it on. If you don't have a Davis Vertical Feed, then I recommend the glue method of attaching the binding.

Nancy, thanks for the tip on the thread. I will have to give that a try.

vintagemotif 05-23-2011 10:15 AM

Originally Posted by buslady
wow, i finally caught up, got behind, by missing one stinkin day, and it took me two days to catch up. i can only get on at night after work, then using phone, sooooo sooooo slow. LOL love this shop, tho rest of family & friends think i am obsessed. prob is, i cant even argue the point with them. i would love to meet some people near me that share my obsession with quilting and vintage sm's.

I felt the same way, wanting to meet others that had vintage machine and used them too. Purplefiend, Sharon, mentioned Threadleon, so I became a member. You may want to look for someone that way. After posting I'm a newbie looking to meet other that use vintage machines on the local Threadlon group, CA, they decided to have a mini meet in Sacramento area. Just a bit of a drive for me, but I going!

Nancy and Kathie, are either of you members of Threaleon?
The meeting is coming up, beginning of June. I would love to meet up with you too.

vintagemotif 05-23-2011 10:17 AM

Originally Posted by jtapp9
A piece of advice please?

In the 500A that I just got recently, If it is not threaded it will sit and "sew" like mad. No catching or glitches or anything. As soon as I put thread in it and attempt to sew then I can feel it tightening up, like its catching, and the thread will break after maybe 4 stitches. Lots of birds nest underneath. Sometimes it wont even start to sew on its own and the two handwheels will part and the inner one (larger) will spin but not the outer (smaller) one. As soon as I pull the thread out it will "sew" again.

I have changed the needle. I have taken the tension unit off and loosened it. I have tried several different kinds of thread. I've checked the bobbin area for crud.

Any other things I can try tonight?

I've had to put them away a bit because I kept tinkering with machines and NOT getting any sewing done. I've about come to the conclusion that I should just pay the money for ones that have already been serviced. My patience really does wear thin pretty quickly when it comes to tinkering with minor problems with seemingly no fixes...lol. I had decided to take them to the local SMS for a servicing but seems their number is no longer in service :(....sucks for me.

Go look for another machine, 301, 201, FW, 15s. They work, and easy to repair. I forgot what machines you already have, but don't waste your time on that one.

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