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vintagemotif 06-20-2011 11:39 AM

Originally Posted by miriam

Originally Posted by vintagemotif

Originally Posted by miriam

Originally Posted by vintagemotif

Thanks for posting photos of your 401A, 401G, 411G to show the difference on the photo/info thread of vintage machines! Nice to have a comparison. Have you ever treadled the 401G or the 411G? I would give it a whirl! Looks like fun!

I would LOVE to treadle the German machines. You have to have the right balance wheel though. It has to have a belt groove on it - I'd love to find one. The wheels from other machines do not fit the 401 - believe me when I found out you could treadle I started checking that out. I don't know if a groove could be cut or part of one cut off and another welded on or not. It would take more talent than I have for sure.

Have you just tried to treadle them without switching the balance wheel? I have a 328K that treadles. The manual states for treadle or electric in the instructions ( show treadled foot), looks same type of deal with your machine.

Here is the manual of your Singer 411G in German:http://www.scribd.com/doc/35919972/S...411g-in-German

Just scrolling through and looking at photos, it looks the same deal as mine.

You may have a groove or enough of a groove in the wheel to hold the belt. At first, I thought I didn't have a groove to the wheel. Seems to me they designed these type of machines to do both without having to change wheels- at least the Singer 328K is this way.

Thanks for the manual. Have you tried the chain stitch? The wheel end is long enough but for sure no groove. I wonder if I could have it machined? I have treadle legs I could put one on but no table top at this point. I've wondered about taking a top I have and replace the wobbly legs with the irons - cut holes for the belt.

Can you chain stitch with the Singer 328K? I didn't know this; I'm still playing with my decorative stitches. Can you chain stitch with your 401s and 411G?

miriam 06-20-2011 12:12 PM

Originally Posted by vintagemotif

Originally Posted by miriam

Originally Posted by vintagemotif

Originally Posted by miriam

Originally Posted by vintagemotif

Thanks for posting photos of your 401A, 401G, 411G to show the difference on the photo/info thread of vintage machines! Nice to have a comparison. Have you ever treadled the 401G or the 411G? I would give it a whirl! Looks like fun!

I would LOVE to treadle the German machines. You have to have the right balance wheel though. It has to have a belt groove on it - I'd love to find one. The wheels from other machines do not fit the 401 - believe me when I found out you could treadle I started checking that out. I don't know if a groove could be cut or part of one cut off and another welded on or not. It would take more talent than I have for sure.

Have you just tried to treadle them without switching the balance wheel? I have a 328K that treadles. The manual states for treadle or electric in the instructions ( show treadled foot), looks same type of deal with your machine.

Here is the manual of your Singer 411G in German:http://www.scribd.com/doc/35919972/S...411g-in-German

Just scrolling through and looking at photos, it looks the same deal as mine.

You may have a groove or enough of a groove in the wheel to hold the belt. At first, I thought I didn't have a groove to the wheel. Seems to me they designed these type of machines to do both without having to change wheels- at least the Singer 328K is this way.

Thanks for the manual. Have you tried the chain stitch? The wheel end is long enough but for sure no groove. I wonder if I could have it machined? I have treadle legs I could put one on but no table top at this point. I've wondered about taking a top I have and replace the wobbly legs with the irons - cut holes for the belt.

Can you chain stitch with the Singer 328K? I didn't know this; I'm still playing with my decorative stitches. Can you chain stitch with your 401s and 411G?

The 401G and the 411G have instructions to do it in that manual and I have seen the chain stitch info on line. I have the parts to do it! I've not tried it yet - I so need my sister here. Look here for a pdf for chain stitching a Singer touch and sew. http://www.tandtrepair.com/600TandSstuff.html

Weedwoman 06-20-2011 12:24 PM

My 503A runs like charm. It sounds just like my 626, has that workhorse sound and the same feel. My huge, 22 pound cat likes to lay on the table and "help" me sew on it. I think I've run out of room for machines but I'm sure if just the right one showed up, I could work it in. Kinda of like adopting stray cats, always room for one more. lol

quilt addict 06-20-2011 01:18 PM

Originally Posted by Lostn51Look forward to seeing after the spa treatment.[/quote

Over zealous cleaning maybe? :lol:

And Lisa I really want to go stand in front of your garage when you toss the door open. :P


Billy you better hurry, I keep putting more cabinets and machines in the garage but nothing ever seems to get finished and moved out. The house is getting full too! :-o

But getting close to finish cleaning 127 should have it reassembled this week.

Bought all the supplies to work on it's cabinet and a cabinet for white rotary. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Can hardly wait for that train to hit. :D

Oh, I will try to start putting some pictures on the other page. That is a great idea. Fun eye candy to just page through!

quilt addict 06-20-2011 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by lee231
My Domestic treadle that came home today.

Lee, Really like the irons on those Domestic treadles. A wonderful find you have.

miriam 06-20-2011 01:37 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Now that I have the 401G and the 411G both working I do need to see if they will chain stitch. They do have to have special attachments/parts to do it. I do not know if other drop in bobbin Singer's will do that with the attachments.

My 411 also has a little raised piece that I can put around the throat plate in case I want to do free motion with the plate raised. I have not tried that yet. I do not have a foot for free motion yet.

DH and I looked at the machines to see how a treadle would go on it. It should be interesting to see if we can get it to happen. There is not a whole lot of metal under that wheel so be taking much of anything off. What would keep the belt from shifting off? I shot some pictures of the 401A and the 411G so you can see the differences.

401A on left 411G on right - treadle belt goes through the square hole on 411

If I could draw an arrow it would be to the right of the worm gear (next hole toward you)and then down - the treadle belt goes down there through the hole in the bottom in the picture above. Look at the 401G behind the 411G. You can see where the treadle belt goes through the base (square hole) and then up around the wheel for the front .

There is no groove for the belt - what keeps it where it is suppose to stay?

Weedwoman 06-20-2011 01:39 PM

My Singer 626 Touch and Sew (which most ppl hate) has a drop in bobbin and 3 special attachments for chain stitching. In fact, I have it set to chain stitch now in my quilt shop. Great for attaching leaders you want to remove quickly after quilting.

BoJangles 06-20-2011 01:44 PM

Originally Posted by Kathie S.
I just bought another sewing machine. I do not know what model it is. I went to the Singer site and it gave me the year and location where it was made. The serial number is JA0905778. Singer says it is a 1924 made in Canada. It is in a blond tea cart. The cart is in excellent shape. The light does not work on the machine but it seems to run alright. There are no decals on this machine. I will have Nancy :lol: post pictures later. I love you Nancy :D lol. Kathie

I will post a picture for you when you send me a picture! I looked at this site since the Singer site doesn't tell you anything except 1924. http://www.servirem.com.ar/nueva.html And, according to this site your machine was made in 1924 at St John's, New Foundland. I think, I'd believe the Singer site first and it says Canada?

Kathie send me a picture of the machine and I'll post the machine and cabinet.


miriam 06-20-2011 01:48 PM

Originally Posted by Weedwoman
My Singer 626 Touch and Sew (which most ppl hate) has a drop in bobbin and 3 special attachments for chain stitching. In fact, I have it set to chain stitch now in my quilt shop. Great for attaching leaders you want to remove quickly after quilting.

It may be the only virtue of a Touch and Sew - parts......

BoJangles 06-20-2011 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by quiltdoctor
1920 White Rotary. I found this on Craigs List. She's in fair shape with lots of attachments. Her cabinet was made for a White machine, but do you think it is a 1920's cabinet?? Seems like she was repainted at some time. She's my first White and a whole lot different than my Nationals or Singers. For $5.00 I figured I couldn't go wrong.

Texas Jan

Texas Jan, I guess you got a good deal for $5! Fantastic buy!


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