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Miz Johnny 11-26-2011 08:59 AM

I made mine with the plastic strapping I cut off a box shipped to me. It's probably about 3/8" wide or so.

Originally Posted by Weedwoman (Post 4707827)
I couldn't find anything that was recommended for the project (boning or the heavy strapping used for shipping) so I raided my cupboard and found an empty margerine container and cut strips, stitched them end to end on Elaine and covered the strip with batting and it worked great. Pretty cheap way to go. I live in a very small town with basically zero shopping options so you make do but I kind of like putting the old brain to work like that.

jlhmnj 11-26-2011 09:00 AM

Originally Posted by misseva (Post 4719430)
Now if I could just figure out how to put the belt on. Anyone out there know where I could get picture instructions?

Treadle belt is pretty easy and instructions sometimes come with belt. Here's what I'd do if I didn't have the 3n1 treadle pliers:
---Get proper size belt in natural leather (stay away from red) from SM supply, ebay or.....
---wrap belt around treadle pulley and SM pulley and pull tight and cut where ends meet (don't worry about cutting short the belt will stretch)
---examine wire staple that comes with belt, get drill bit slightly bigger than staple diameter and drill hole in each end of belt half the width of staple (so holes are width of staple when belt is put together)
---Put staple thru one end of belt and crimp tight on other end leave alone.
---Put belt on machine with uncrimped staple end facing up and run treadle for a few minutes
---Belt will stretch and cut off belt at hole at uncrimped end and drill another hole half width of staple
---might have to do this 2-3 times till belt is broken in
---crimp second end when belt seems stable and belt doesn't slip but not overly tight
---imagine Youtube and google would also have info on this.
Good Luck, it sort of a fun process

Miz Johnny 11-26-2011 09:43 AM

Phoenix Sewing Machine

Originally Posted by jlhmnj (Post 4719009)
Found this image with a beautiful handmade treadle cabinet:
Also some older machines similar to a Singer 27 Vibrating shuttle and a 50's ZZ machine. Few images on google search "phoenix sewing machine german", but not alot. Good luck, I'm sure it's a well made machine but couldn't pinpoint who made the older versions.

Not sure what information you are looking for, but I have a Phoenix, as does a friend of mine. She knows more about them than I do, but to me they really resemble the WW machines more than any other. I know that
Baer & Rempel manufactured the newer Phoenix machines, but not sure if they made the treadles or not--I will ask a friend who knows more about them than I do.

There's an overpriced one on Ebay right now: http://www.ebay.com/itm/PHOENIX-TREA...09541593802939


chris_quilts 11-26-2011 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by missgigglewings (Post 4721333)
Good Morning everybody! Hope your Thanksgiving was a good one!

I just bought a 1970 Singer Touch and Sew for $5.00. I cleaned it up and plugged it in and she ran, A little clackity until I oiled her and let her set awhile. Now she sounds so purty and peaceful. Poor thing is missing some of her parts and I can't find what I need on e-bay or the Sibger co site. Anyone out there got any cams you want to sell or a cover plate and a straight stitch plate? I may spend a little money on this machine because I really like how she sounds and there is an on/ff/slow/fast button! I love it!! I also need a bobbin or two!

I've got some extra needle plates. I will look later today but I know there's at least one straight stitch needle plate and possibly a ZZ needle plate. Yours for the postage unless it's under $2.00. PM me if interested.

Miz Johnny 11-26-2011 10:04 AM

Miriam, the hand crank assembly won't work on the 206/306/319 machines unless you drill new holes. The motor mount hole is not in the same position as other old Singers.

Originally Posted by miriam (Post 4720840)
I'm watching your Singer 319 stitch issues conversation with great interest. I still have more to do to get mine to work. I've been really busy on other things and other machines lately. Yesterday I got a lot done so I'm down to just a couple machines. Mr. Ed (319) has gone back up to the top of the repair line! I have needles now but I forgot to order a belt. I have a hand crank so I may test that out on it. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be sitting there with the manual in one hand trying to figure out the bite thing since I turned it. I found another 319 on CL but they don't have contact info and don't answer emails. Maybe it is sold and they haven't taken it down.

miriam 11-26-2011 10:35 AM

Originally Posted by Miz Johnny (Post 4722199)
Miriam, the hand crank assembly won't work on the 206/306/319 machines unless you drill new holes. The motor mount hole is not in the same position as other old Singers.

Well I just found that out the hard way... Bummer. I LOVE the table it came in so I think we will wire it back up. I got it out, looked at the hand crank and figured out it wasn't going to work. Then I got a call to sell a machine so I took care of that - time to finish the bread sticks for DGDs - we do family gathering today. WHOA..... Fast breaking NEWS! just got a call..... I think DD might be in labor!!!!!!!!!!! I sure hope so - this one would be a week early instead of 2 weeks late like the others. She might go a while, quit and start up..... keeping my fingers crossed that she just plain old has this one right soon.

Weedwoman 11-26-2011 11:29 AM

Charlee, I painted one of my cabinets bright red because it's the first one I got and I wanted it in my Mickey Mouse room. It houses a Sewmor machine and looks really cute in with all my MM stuff. I painted an old straight back chair all black put a red cushion on the seat and MM decals on the back of the chair. So, I'd say feel free to get creative and do what you need to do to your cabinet. That's part of the fun.

Phyllis nm 11-26-2011 11:39 AM

About 20 years ago I bought “new” leathers for my 104 and 114 machines and the leather was old I guess. They kept breaking, and I hate the replacing the clips. I went to my air condition/ plumbing supply and bought regular fan belts from them. I have never a problem since.
I called all over town and found one long and thin enough to fit my 29-4 but I had to cut it to get it on the machine. That was not easy to clip together

redmadder 11-26-2011 02:21 PM

Hey beanie, its not a wheel. Its a device for winding spun yarn into hanks. I don't know what they are called but the hand version is a niddy-noddy. Niddy noddy, niddy noddy, two heads, one body. How cool to see one.

Caroline S 11-26-2011 02:26 PM

New to the collection our Singer Sphinx
3 Attachment(s)
My DD's mission for this morning was to go look and perhaps buy a Sphinx. Success. She is a beautiful girl under all of that old hardened oil. We are so happy. She comes into the house tonight for cleaning and oiling (currently in the garage in hiding. DH does not understand our passion). Her serial number is K311054, born in 1902 we think. We will be calling Singer on Monday to get actual birth date. :D

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