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miriam 04-26-2012 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by Charlee (Post 5172463)
I don't have a problem treadling, but love watching Muv's videos anyway!! :)

I can't treadle - just ask Glenn - he was trying to give me pointers but he was laughing too hard. I need to sit down with the treadle and the video - maybe then I'll figure it out.

miriam 04-26-2012 03:28 PM

I can't think of anything more frustrating than a big old haul of sewing machines and parts and cabinets and not much time to play with it and then when there is time life happens... I've been working extra trying to train somebody before I go to Ray White's class. Then we've had other people's personal problems around here taking up time that should be spent other places... And I injured myself some how. The chiropractor gave me a ton of relief yesterday. I'm starting to feel pretty good - I pulled something in my shoulder and kept irritating it for a couple weeks. Any way, after I gathered up all the sticks from the yard and threw them in the fire pit while I pitched a hissy fit about the personal problems - basically got my self calmed down to think rationally... I cleaned up the 301. It works just fine now - it was black and sooty and not turning. I still have one teeny tiny problem. When I was cleaning up the bobbin case the tiny screw in there fell out - I captured it though. I can't see to get it in - I need to take a magnifying glass over there. So I put a different bobbin case in it and it sews great now. The cabinet with it is pretty neat so I cleaned some on it. The rest of the stuff is just there. I can only cope with a little at a time - this is totally overwhelming - I can't find the stuff I already had in the shop either... It wasn't what I intended to do today. Someone wanted some high shank attachments and I was going to pull them out and get a picture. I went off with out the camera and then totally forgot after AHBL... Maybe some day it will seem funny and I can make a PDA post about it.

miriam 04-26-2012 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by BoJangles (Post 5172498)
I changed the bobbin, even changed the bobbin casing with one of mine that I know works well! Still skips - and now I can hear the skip. Its like there is a hesitation sound - I know exactly when it skips without even looking at the thread path. I thought maybe a burr in the tension disks? Geeze, I don't want to hear the word timing!!!!!


Some times it helps to step away for a while - vent a bit... Is the arm thingy in the throat plate right? Can you see if the timing is off? Get out a magnifying glass. You've done it so you know the drill. I wouldn't fool with it until you try everything else. At least you know what it isn't so far. A burr or a gob of dried on oil could keep the thread from flowing through the tension - you can run a piece of string through the tension disks and see if it snags. Maybe do a clean up on the disks for good measure. Maybe look at the thread as it goes through the tension and see if it looks like it is advancing evenly.

vintagemotif 04-26-2012 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by miriam (Post 5172305)
Muv has posted another video!!!
This one is on treadling!!!
I'll put up a post ASAP

heehee...I've got to find a pair of shoes like MUV has..I love those shoes!!

I treadle in my socks.

MUV, again you have done another excellent video!!! Thank you!!!

miriam 04-26-2012 03:58 PM

ARGH - no more room - this is a good deal - anybody else live in Indianapolis???

Cindy Lou Who 04-26-2012 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by Candace (Post 5166225)
Nancy, yes they make a two-tone but not in that color!! It's two machines cobbled together. Sorry, as someone who knows and loves 301's, these machines are just WRONG.

Candace I have to agree with you! Looks like a scrap bag machine to me. Wonder if that's what you'd use to make scrap quilts? Too ugly.
I have to say the pink machines are growing on me - I actually think I may like Miriam's pink and grey machine!


miriam 04-26-2012 04:47 PM

Originally Posted by Cindy Lou Who (Post 5172709)
Candace I have to agree with you! Looks like a scrap bag machine to me. Wonder if that's what you'd use to make scrap quilts? Too ugly.
I have to say the pink machines are growing on me - I actually think I may like Miriam's pink and grey machine!


It is killing me not to dig that one out and play with it right now. I have such a big too do list it isn't funny.

Cindy Lou Who 04-26-2012 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by miriam (Post 5172718)
It is killing me not to dig that one out and play with it right now. I have such a big too do list it isn't funny.

I'm thinking you're not that far away compared to going to CA so maybe we can do a play date when we're both not working. Looks like you're going to have lots of fun this summer!


miriam 04-26-2012 06:06 PM

Originally Posted by Cindy Lou Who (Post 5172757)
I'm thinking you're not that far away compared to going to CA so maybe we can do a play date when we're both not working. Looks like you're going to have lots of fun this summer!


Oh how much fun would a play date be??? The icing on the cake is that my sister is going to try to come see me for a week when I get back from the class. This will be over the top.

J Miller 04-26-2012 07:26 PM

Originally Posted by miriam (Post 5172609)
ARGH - no more room - this is a good deal - anybody else live in Indianapolis???

That is a good buy. Love that iron burn on the right side. That made me laugh.


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