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vintagemotif 05-24-2012 07:42 AM

Originally Posted by Janis (Post 5239344)
Miriam, your mother sounds like mine was with the plastic bags. They were a luxury!! I remember how she used to wash them out and put them over a rack to dry. She would save all of them. But then too, you have to remember they went through the depression and WW2 when things were scarce. My mother went through WW1 as well!
I don't blame your sister for praying well before meals. I think I'd do the same!

Janis, I was thinking the same about going through the depression and WW2. Miriam, my mom does the same with thawing the meat out on the counter for hours. In some countries, the heavy use of spices are what is used to mask the "old" meat flavors. Well, there are a lot of elderly folks out there that have lived this way. And at least our recycling program in the US has gotten much better. The styrofoam packaging used in meats can be recycled. Maybe you need to tell her not to use that packaging for the cookies, or cover them before using.

jljack 05-24-2012 07:43 AM

Originally Posted by quiltdoctor (Post 5238438)
My 1915 AG Mason "Golden Star" looks mighty like the New Glenwood. Mine came in a beautiful cabinet, that I haven't had time to restore yet. Check her out.

Texas Jan

Jan, that's the twin to the New Glenwood, for sure!! 1915, hunh? Great! What size needle does yours take? My needle chart does not list this particular badge, but most of the Masons take a 20x1.

jljack 05-24-2012 07:51 AM

Originally Posted by Phyllis nm (Post 5238772)
what do you think?

I think it's GONE!! Someone really liked it!!

SewExtremeSeams 05-24-2012 09:00 AM

Originally Posted by vintagemotif (Post 5238679)
Thanks!!! You have some excellent suggestions! I was thinking of taking my old padded bras hardware off to reuse.
I recently purchased some elastic for bras (FOE, strap, and the other needed one) and fabric. I have enough to make several, and I purchase enough for trial and error. I found a Jalie video tutorial on bra making which looks super easy, an inspiration. I was going to use their pattern for my first homemade bra. I do like your idea of taking a bra that I like apart to use as a pattern. I might just do that for my second bra.

Thanks for posting! I agree that there aren't too many folks out there making their own bras. I did find some blogs that some have posted on their achievements, which is also an inspiration and help. I feel like I treading into unknown territory of the sewing world; at least for me it is a new endeavor or challenge.

I'll let you know how it goes!:)

Would either of you mind if I started a thread over in general chit chat? I think it is a great topic and we could learn from one another. It is a territory I've not ventured into and the guys might like it if we took it elsewhere.. :D :D :D

J Miller 05-24-2012 09:45 AM

Been married nearly 30 years. Your discussion of making your bras doesn't bother me a bit.


jljack 05-24-2012 10:05 AM

Joe!! Hahaha!!! My DH and I have been married 10 years, but he was married 16 years before that. He STILL blushes whenever me and my sister or mom talk about anything "female"!!:shock::D

Charlee 05-24-2012 10:29 AM

So....when we get these bras made, are we going to post pics in the vintage made projects thread? :D

BoJangles 05-24-2012 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by J Miller (Post 5240160)
Been married nearly 30 years. Your discussion of making your bras doesn't bother me a bit.


I went to bed last night thinking OMG Monica is so funny! What a subject to bring to our vintage machine shop! Joe, thank you, I was thinking maybe all you guys would think the female side of the board were off their rockers - sometimes I wonder! Monica, at least you got a laugh out of everyone - a little surprised laugh out of me!~ I never even thought about making bras myself, and I would never bring it to the board - but, that is just me! What a crazy bunch we are!


BoJangles 05-24-2012 10:40 AM

Originally Posted by Charlee (Post 5240241)
So....when we get these bras made, are we going to post pics in the vintage made projects thread? :D

OMG!!!! Charlee, you have me laughing out loud! Are we all becoming crazy/eccentric or what!


BoJangles 05-24-2012 10:47 AM

Originally Posted by miriam (Post 5238822)
I decided to round out my education. My sister and I were at GW and bought a real basic Brother (sewing machine) and took it apart, oiled it and generally gave it a look see. WELL. WOW. THAT is so NOT progress. We cleaned it, oiled it and tried to make it sew. It's tension doesn't want to adjust enough. At first it looked like the bottom tension was way too tight. I adjusted it where it should be. Then the needle fell out. Sigh. Then I adjusted the top tension - makes some good loops - I'm thinking there isn't much adjusting in the tension. So we adjusted away and then the feed dogs quit for a while. I still don't know why they worked again after we messed with it. Anyway, I'm done. Bed time... LOL Martha can stay up all night and mess with the stupid thing.

Miriam, your experience with the Brother mirrors my experience with a Brother ages ago. I still don't like those machines - not for me anyway!


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