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-   -   Vintage Sewing Machine Shop.....Come on in and sit a spell (https://www.quiltingboard.com/vintage-antique-machine-enthusiasts-f22/vintage-sewing-machine-shop-come-sit-spell-t43881.html)

BoJangles 07-05-2012 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by pfroggg (Post 5341001)
My guess is that it's of fairly recent Asian (Chinese?) manufacture like the 'Butterfly' machine, probably not as solid a machine as the postwar Japanese version. (BTW treadles are still made, since there are still places where electricity is not an option.) But I haven't seen it, so could be completely wrong. FWIW! Pretty thing, though.


Pat is Cathy ok? Since her move we haven't heard from her - I hope she is doing ok?


vintagemotif 07-05-2012 05:41 PM

Originally Posted by BoJangles (Post 5341901)
Yes, I think at times we all tend to forget how fortunate we are. What I really worry about are the kids - and I mean everyone from 25 down who've never wanted for a thing! They won't know how to cope if they ever have to scrimp like most of the rest of us had to! A lot of our young people have had everything handed to them - most of them have no idea what hardship really is. Yes, I realize some kids haven't had it so easy, but the majority around where I live are just handed everything - they don't have to earn a thing! They get a car when they turn 16, they don't have to work - they are going to be in for a real shock when they get out into the real world!


We have become the ME society. Its all about what is in it for "me". You state 25 and younger, but I see it in folks 40 and under.

Anyway time for a new but old subject, Charlee or was it Laura asked what machine would one take with them if a crisis were to occur.

I have been thinking about that. I keep flipping between a Two Spools and a Davis NVF. I can't make up my mind, but I think the Davis would win for the fact that it has the built in walking foot, great machine for quilting.

pfroggg 07-05-2012 05:46 PM

Originally Posted by BoJangles (Post 5341910)
Pat is Cathy ok? Since her move we haven't heard from her - I hope she is doing ok?

Hi Nancy,

I've been away but had a text from her Monday and she sounded ok--probably still caught up in her move. Will investigate.


vintagemotif 07-05-2012 05:51 PM

OT, My dog keeps on freaking out from all the illegal fireworks. Can't wait until this week is over.
I played some Linda Ronstadt last night for her. Normally she is an outside dog, but last night she was indoors.
She looked happy listening to the music. Her only mission in life is to keep the killer squirrels out of our yard. She looked happy this evening until just recently when a large boom was heard. I feel sorry for all the puppies during this time of year.

BoJangles 07-05-2012 07:07 PM

Originally Posted by vintagemotif (Post 5342013)
OT, My dog keeps on freaking out from all the illegal fireworks. Can't wait until this week is over.
I played some Linda Ronstadt last night for her. Normally she is an outside dog, but last night she was indoors.
She looked happy listening to the music. Her only mission in life is to keep the killer squirrels out of our yard. She looked happy this evening until just recently when a large boom was heard. I feel sorry for all the puppies during this time of year.

Monica, you need to move to my county! Fireworks are illegal here - we never see or hear any except the big shows our little town puts on every year!

Thank you Pat! I was a little worried since Cathy has been so quiet!

BoJangles 07-05-2012 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by jlhmnj (Post 5339884)
Bought a Wheeler & Wilson #9 machine and treadle cabinet the other day to provide a little variety from my Vibrating Shuttle Treadles. Wheeler & Wilson pioneered Rotary sewing and the Four Motion Feed which is still used today and I always considered W&W an antique modern sewing machine (and probably why I put off getting one).

So I finally got one and am currently waiting on a leather belt. I oiled her up and did some sewing by hand. Used the MY1014 needles which I heard about and worked very nicely without any fooling with. I figure my WW is from about 1900 and came with one donut bobbin. Think I'll try a Featherweight bobbin out once my belt comes in and see if it works out.


Jon, I have two Wheeler and Wilson's and I stand by what I have always said on this board! The Wheeler and Wilson's are the aristocrats of the sewing machine world - at least until 1905 when they sold out to Singer! I have always felt those Wheeler and Wilson's are just a cut above the rest! Congratulations! I can't wait to hear what you think when you actually sew with one - remember the hand wheel goes the opposite of a Singer - away from you!


BoJangles 07-05-2012 07:16 PM

Here's a repro advertised as a repro! I wish we could see the machine! http://sacramento.craigslist.org/atq/3121343043.html


J Miller 07-05-2012 07:39 PM


I have one of those wooden treadle tops. It's made from pressed wood and is cheap, cheap, cheap. Right now I've got it bolted to a parts base with my Singer 9W-7 in it. It works, but who knows how long.

I wish the seller had posted more pics though. Especially of the machine.


Caroline S 07-06-2012 10:25 AM

Originally Posted by J Miller (Post 5340704)
I like it too. My garage is full, my house is full, there's a sewing machine cabinet, a kitchen table, and a coffee table on the front porch .......... I got room for it, ha ha , too bad it's sooooo very far away.

Hmmm, my brother is in Costa Mesa ............. I wonder ??


Too late Joe. My son in San Jose bought it yesterday. Now I have to figure out how to get it to Washington. LOL. I really need a vacation so may visit my son in Arizona and then visit my enabling son in San Jose. Sounds like a good plan. He did say that I had to quit (collecting/hoarding) soon. Hah!

J Miller 07-06-2012 10:30 AM


Glad you got it.

You know, those who tell us we need to quit "hoarding" are just jealous cos they don't have anything they want to hoard.


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