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-   -   Vintage Sewing Machine Shop.....Come on in and sit a spell (https://www.quiltingboard.com/vintage-antique-machine-enthusiasts-f22/vintage-sewing-machine-shop-come-sit-spell-t43881.html)

miriam 10-23-2012 02:13 AM

Originally Posted by nurseknitsLaura (Post 5605395)
Here's standing in the door looking left- the cutting table is in the middle of the room, Singer 201 nd red table with a zig zag set up on the left wall.
on the right wall is cabinets the SINK and you can see the cutting table a little bette.

More organized than mine...

BoJangles 10-23-2012 05:17 AM

Originally Posted by nurseknitsLaura (Post 5605395)
[ATTACH=CONFIG]371818[/ATTACH]. Here's standing in the door looking left- the cutting table is in the middle of the room, Singer 201 nd red table with a zig zag set up on the left wall.
on the right wall is cabinets the SINK and you can see the cutting table a little bette.

Laura, great sewing space! But, why is that zig zag machine sitting on that beautiful red cabinet with nothing under the legs to protect the cabinet you painted? I'd make a little quilted sewing machine place mat or something! It looks like you can do some serious sewing in that room!


BoJangles 10-23-2012 05:27 AM

Originally Posted by craftiladi (Post 5605125)
Oh my goodness I just spent hours playing catch-up,what a wealth of information here.
Huge thank-you to all of you for sharing your knowledge of vintage machines.
I have a 1948 15-90 singer , singer 1897 treadle, singer 99-3 & 2 Kenmores that I am not sure of exact dates. My latest is a WIP as I am told its a badged National, I want to turn her into a hand crank but am told probably can't do that unless I find another National for parts.

Dee, you are right about turning the National into a HC. Mizkaki on here might be able to help you with that issue?

Miriam, so glad to hear the guy that hit your son has insurance! Also, I would like to see a better photo of the outfits you made for your trip! Here I thought you only played with machines and didn't sew much - shows how much I know:cool:!


BoJangles 10-23-2012 05:31 AM

Originally Posted by Mizkaki (Post 5601924)
I thought that a few pictures of these non-cam buttonholers might be fun and useful. I dug out a few representatives from my collection (hoard).
The BHer in the last pix is for an industrial class 31(high shank). It should fit the 31-15 and 31-20 machines.
They are beasts, but work very well and don't need to be removed from the machine to change a cam size. The size adjustments are the wing nuts on the side.



Cathy, wouldn't it be cool if you or Pat or someone demonstrated how those old buttonholers work at our next TOGA? Something to think about - I would love to see someone make a buttonhole with a treadle or handcrank!


BoJangles 10-23-2012 05:39 AM

Originally Posted by nanna-up-north (Post 5603223)
Do keep us all posted. Most quilters have critters, I think..... they are part of our families and we love them. .... even feisty ones like our Gus. Our daughter's work friends know me as Gus' mom.

Jean, that picture of Gus could be an ad for all kinds of dog related things - like take me with you, don't leave me home! What a great photo! That dog is just adorable!


miriam 10-23-2012 05:39 AM

I think a hand crank would be cool way to make a button hole with one of those gadgets. I just got another one working!!! Tensions were off.

Yes I really do sew when I'm not having too much fun with a sewing machine. I don't have a detailed pic of us in our duds. That was one somebody just snapped while we were sitting around. I do some of it by hand - I take it with me when I have some place where I have to wait. That cap was all hand sewn - I used an old linen blouse - linen is expensive - blouse at the thrift store for a buck. I made a matching pocket - I'd have to dig it all out...

BoJangles 10-23-2012 05:44 AM

Originally Posted by Charlee (Post 5600438)
Hi Everyone! I've been reminded that I'm a slacker and should get here and post! :D

I'm better...the meds are helping and I have more energy, still drag a bit, but really am much better!

I confess to spending a lot of time on this upcoming election, reading....reading...and reading some more! Have to make the right decisions! (Altho I've pretty much made up my mind :D )

No new machines lately, and I haven't even been on Craig's list or to my favorite haunts lately! Starting to feel the deprivation and have been itching to go out and do some serious junkin'!!

Gotta go back and read what everyone has been up to!! ~hugs all around~

Charlee, it is really nice to hear you are doing better. Have you had any time to sew while you are preparing for the election!

Chris it is also nice to hear from you again! Did you get the Pfaff?


BoJangles 10-23-2012 05:47 AM

Does anyone know how Texas Jan is doing - how her husband is doing?



miriam 10-23-2012 05:56 AM

Originally Posted by BoJangles (Post 5606102)
Does anyone know how Texas Jan is doing - how her husband is doing?



I've been wondering the same. Just because I don't ask doesn't mean I don't think of some of you when you don't post.

nurseknitsLaura 10-23-2012 06:59 AM

Originally Posted by BoJangles (Post 5606003)
Laura, great sewing space! But, why is that zig zag machine sitting on that beautiful red cabinet with nothing under the legs to protect the cabinet you painted? I'd make a little quilted sewing machine place mat or something! It looks like you can do some serious sewing in that room!


Nancy- not to worry- there is a piece of red felt under the machine to protect the table. Sorry the pics are so awful, but I figured I had to post something or it would all seem like a dream....next pictures will be more organized. :o

Had a frustrating evening- was sewing away on the pink quilt when a piece of the free motion foot broke off- didn't hit it or anything, just the spring sproinged. Well that little bit went down into the bobbin case and I marred the bobbin case and broke a needle, all in a matter of a minute! So now I am waiting for my industrial to have a new case and replacement foot to arrive before I can finish this hospice quilt. Good news is the bobbin case for an industrial is cheap. I guess the machine knew I was in a hurry! laura

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