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Crossstitcher 05-03-2013 11:33 AM

Hello everyone, we have been gone for a while our electric went off while the computer was on and it messed up a few things. We were several pages behind. Jan and Glenn so nice to see your pictures and you both looked great in your costumes. We have not gotten any new ladies yet this spring but have looked at a few. Seems there is another person that showes up at the auctions with machines and he out bids us every time. Don't know what he does with them one day I will ask.

bpeace4u 05-03-2013 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by Crossstitcher (Post 6042246)
Hello, my DH said your machine was probably made by Eldridge. They made machines for other companies. We have two and they look just like yours.

Thank you. I looked up eldredge machines and got somepictures that look just like my machine except the name on it, which I am guessing was put on by whatever store bought, Charles William in my case.

bpeace4u 05-03-2013 12:25 PM

After looking closer at the machine, I found a name. Maud Clark. I asked my Grandmother and she said that Maud was my Great Great Grandmother. So I know this machine was hers, as I suspected, And that it was made before 1942, because that is when she died

bpeace4u 05-03-2013 12:48 PM

Originally Posted by Crossstitcher (Post 6042246)
Hello, my DH said your machine was probably made by Eldridge. They made machines for other companies. We have two and they look just like yours.

Any Idea when your machines were made? I would like to get a date. I am pretty sure it is pre 1942. It belonged to my Great Great Grandmother and that is when she died. I am thinking maybe 1890's or early 1900's.

Glenn 05-03-2013 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by BoJangles (Post 6041558)
Jan, I haven't been visiting here much lately myself - too busy with my FIL, but it sure is nice to hear from you! I am so glad you are doing ok - getting on with your life! It is pretty cool you got to see the fishy quilt in person -- hehehe, Glenn must take it everywhere with him!


Yes Nancy I take it with me everywhere. It goes camping(great to cover up in while looking at the stars over the lake) My wife is threatning to to wash it and and take it away from me for the summer but I don't think so.:o

frudemoo 05-03-2013 06:54 PM

3 Attachment(s)
This just totally blew my mind. Has anyone else used CLR for cleaning machine parts?
I had some on the go so I thought I'd try it out on that crusty Necchi bobbin case ... e presto! 30 seconds later...


bpeace4u 05-03-2013 07:19 PM

OK cleaned the machined some. Turned out what I thought was rust was just where the plating had worn off to expose the metal underneath. Took scrubbing one spot for 15 minutes with eagle one to figure that out. Other parts cleaned good, though I wish I could get a little more color out of the worn decals. Also before oiling I noticed it sticking at the same spot every turn of the wheel. After oiling it does the same. Any ideas?

miriam 05-04-2013 01:29 AM

Originally Posted by bpeace4u (Post 6042927)
OK cleaned the machined some. Turned out what I thought was rust was just where the plating had worn off to expose the metal underneath. Took scrubbing one spot for 15 minutes with eagle one to figure that out. Other parts cleaned good, though I wish I could get a little more color out of the worn decals. Also before oiling I noticed it sticking at the same spot every turn of the wheel. After oiling it does the same. Any ideas?

it drives me crazy when that happens. Turn the machine other directions and keep on with the Tri-flow. You may need to use some heat but it is hard to know where - you have to kind of 'feel' where it is sticking.

grant15clone 05-04-2013 04:29 AM

Originally Posted by bpeace4u (Post 6042927)
OK cleaned the machined some. Turned out what I thought was rust was just where the plating had worn off to expose the metal underneath. Took scrubbing one spot for 15 minutes with eagle one to figure that out. Other parts cleaned good, though I wish I could get a little more color out of the worn decals. Also before oiling I noticed it sticking at the same spot every turn of the wheel. After oiling it does the same. Any ideas?

There is an oil called Tri-Flo that is a miracle. It will get it unstuck if it is just dried oil and not a problem like a bent shaft.

bpeace4u 05-04-2013 05:04 AM

Originally Posted by grant15clone (Post 6043387)
There is an oil called Tri-Flo that is a miracle. It will get it unstuck if it is just dried oil and not a problem like a bent shaft.

Thanks. I oiled it really good last night and let it set overnight. It seems the sticking is gone now.

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