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-   -   Vintage Sewing Machine Shop.....Come on in and sit a spell (https://www.quiltingboard.com/vintage-antique-machine-enthusiasts-f22/vintage-sewing-machine-shop-come-sit-spell-t43881.html)

Charlee 05-15-2013 07:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Gang!! Just checking in again!! :) Have been busy...and have had an issue or two, but nothing terribly serious. Trying to get ready for a new granddaughter that should be here in August, and have also been canning up a storm! :) Had to sneak in and show off what I picked up today at Goodwill... with my "senior discount", $25... :) Hope everyone here is well, and happy!!


Mizkaki 05-15-2013 08:13 PM


I've been thinking of you lately. Glad to hear from you.
I sent a PM to you.


Originally Posted by Charlee (Post 6066474)
Hi Gang!! Just checking in again!! :) Have been busy...and have had an issue or two, but nothing terribly serious. Trying to get ready for a new granddaughter that should be here in August, and have also been canning up a storm! :) Had to sneak in and show off what I picked up today at Goodwill... with my "senior discount", $25... :) Hope everyone here is well, and happy!!


Mizkaki 05-15-2013 08:55 PM


Strong, sturdy German made machine. It probably takes 16X1 (if a rotary) or 15x1 needles (if a oscillator).
Charlee your PM box is full. Ya need to clear a few out messages.


Originally Posted by Charlee (Post 6066474)
Had to sneak in and show off what I picked up today at Goodwill... with my "senior discount", $25... :)

Charlee 05-15-2013 09:11 PM

:) It takes a 16x1...got any? ;)

I cleaned out some old messages...should work now! :)

miriam 05-16-2013 02:46 AM

Is that Anker 3/4 size? I'm glad you popped in, too. I was thinking about you too.

jennb 05-16-2013 04:09 AM

Hey all. Just passing along that quiltdr Jan is safe after the tornado tore through her town last night. She said she had alot of tree limbs down but no extensive damage.

Charlee 05-16-2013 06:04 AM

Hiya Miriam!! No, it's a full size machine...and a HEAVY thing! I swear, I snatched it up as well as someone can "snatch up" something this heavy, and carried it to the front of the store and now my right arm is a full inch longer than my left arm!! :D
It's good to be back, I have a LOT of catching up to do!! :)

SteveH 05-16-2013 07:22 AM

Charlee! Great to see your lovely smile again on the board!

grant15clone 05-16-2013 07:44 AM

Charlee, welcome back from me too. I love the Anker R-Z. I let two of them slip through my hands. You will love it too! One of the best machines I have had. It is also a badged machine as a Free Westinghouse. I think it was called a C-Z. The Free Westinghouse has an owners manual in English. I could only find a German manual for the Anker. I didn't have the pincushion. They are very Pfaff-like. Great find! Have fun!

Charlee 05-16-2013 07:45 AM

:) Thanks Steve! (you charmer, you!) It's good to be back!!

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