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Windblown 06-07-2013 07:31 AM

Originally Posted by J Miller (Post 6107320)

If it's a crinkle it's obvious. They are like bull dogs, so ugly you just gotta love 'em.
But it could still be a -13. Many machines were refinished by authorized Singer shops and the factory during and after WW II. And they generally used the black crinkle paint on them.


Thank You Joe, My mom's first sewing machine, Singer (1954 yr) she got new when my brother Joe was born, was a brownish crinkle. It became my first machine.I pasted it on to Joe's wife when he got married so this little guy is in memory of it. It will be my only crinkle. The texture bothers me, besides I love the beautiful decals and shiny black paint of all the others:)


miriam 06-07-2013 11:58 AM

I'm the same way about that texture on a sewing machine - it just ain't right...

blueheavenfla 06-07-2013 05:33 PM

Me too! I think, for me at least, it is because the machine never really looks clean...ugh!

Originally Posted by miriam (Post 6109360)
I'm the same way about that texture on a sewing machine - it just ain't right...

miriam 06-08-2013 02:14 AM

Originally Posted by blueheavenfla (Post 6109780)
Me too! I think, for me at least, it is because the machine never really looks clean...ugh!

it's not even that - it just doesn't feel right or something - I have a bunch in the shop I can't even bring myself to work on

Windblown 06-08-2013 10:06 AM

After I work on this one my fingers feel like I have been using muted sandpaper,I can live with it for a short time, then have leave and do something else.

J Miller 06-08-2013 10:31 AM

Awww come on now, they aren't that bad. I've got a bunch of crinkles in several colors and if you use a soft cloth, tooth brush and oil they clean right up.

Maybe it's a guy thing ..... I like 'em. :D

Charlee 06-08-2013 01:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Oh my! The spousal unit just got back with my new machine...a 15-30 (?) in a #24 cabinet. Serial # AB084394 There's a shine on the front edge of the machine, but no chips, and the decals are perfect!
Gonna have to replace the top of the cabinet tho...looks like Fido had a snack...and there are a couple of healthy chunks of veneer gone from the inside surface when it's open that will have to be fixed too.[ATTACH=CONFIG]417919[/ATTACH]

J Miller 06-08-2013 02:29 PM

Beautiful machine. I'll bet it sews as good as it looks.

The cabinet corner looks like a rodent of some sort gnawed on it. I'm curious how your gonna fix it.


Glenn 06-08-2013 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by J Miller (Post 6111061)
Awww come on now, they aren't that bad. I've got a bunch of crinkles in several colors and if you use a soft cloth, tooth brush and oil they clean right up.

Maybe it's a guy thing ..... I like 'em. :D

I agree with Joe I like the godzilla finish. Reminds me of a football LOL

Charlee 06-08-2013 02:56 PM

Joe, I think I'm going to have to replace that wood...the whole top. :( I'll try a filler and see if I can make it look decent, but I'm already thinking that I will probably have to have it replaced. You can see the one chunk of veneer missing under the handwheel, and there's another larger one on the inside of the lid. The base of the cabinet is in great shape...it's got the embossed #24 cabinet...

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