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Janis 06-11-2013 07:27 PM

Charlee, those are beauiful Red Eyes!! Love the cabinet.

Skip, I'd love to get a ruffler for my Red Eye. Thanks a lot. I'll PM you.

grant15clone 06-12-2013 07:38 AM

Very Nice Charlee. I'm turning a little green over here.

grant15clone 06-12-2013 07:49 AM

Ten days ago I picked up an Italian built Singer 239 in a cabinet, only because I needed the cabinet. Well, ten days later I am done with both of them and thought that I would share a couple of the before and after pics of the machine. I posted them here, http://www.quiltingboard.com/vintage...t216857-9.html
I have more on my FB page. The link is below.

BoJangles 06-13-2013 05:35 AM

Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 6116013)
Nancy I know what you and yours is going thru. We were the caregivers for Pats mother and grandmother and lived in our guest for ten years. Grandma lived to 103 and we had to go thru their stuff and the houses up north. Lots of stuff nice stuff but like you had to sell and give away or donate. I was very hard. We are still cleaning out our house of all the stuffs we think we need. I would love to have seen some of those clocks as you know I collect them to.

Skip, if you are ever out this way you can stop by here - we have about 10 of Dad's clocks. He had been collecting/repairing clocks for over 30 years so he had quite a collection. All of the clocks are antiques/vintage - some over 100 years old. All of them work. Between the siblings and grandkids lot of the clocks were kept, but there were probably 60 left that we had to get rid of - we just didn't have room for them all even though a lot of the clocks Dad had kept were rare, extremely valuable and very old. You would have been in heaven I am sure, plus he had some really rare old clock repair tools - tons of clock repairing tools! My FIL really wanted my DH to take up clock repair, but Rod was just never interested. I think that is a shame, as those old clocks are so charming - kind of like the old sewing machines!


BoJangles 06-13-2013 05:45 AM

Grant, I have seen your work over and over again and it always amazes me! What did you use on that Singer 239 to make it look like new? Are you just stringing us along and those are really two different machines! It is amazing to me that anyone could get a machine as gross looking as that 239 was to look as nice as you got it to look! I usually pass up a machine that looks like that one did, thinking it is a lost cause!


BoJangles 06-13-2013 05:55 AM

Charlee, love your Redeyes!

What is wrong with this photo? http://sacramento.craigslist.org/art/3844683036.html


grant15clone 06-13-2013 06:16 AM

Originally Posted by BoJangles (Post 6119680)
Charlee, love your Redeyes!

What is wrong with this photo? http://sacramento.craigslist.org/art/3844683036.html


The poor amputee.:(

grant15clone 06-13-2013 06:31 AM

Originally Posted by BoJangles (Post 6119655)
Grant, I have seen your work over and over again and it always amazes me! What did you use on that Singer 239 to make it look like new? Are you just stringing us along and those are really two different machines! It is amazing to me that anyone could get a machine as gross looking as that 239 was to look as nice as you got it to look! I usually pass up a machine that looks like that one did, thinking it is a lost cause!


Nancy, Thank you. Mostly it was just dirt, oil, and grease. I'm not stringing you along. I don't want to point out the flaws, but if you look at the After pictures and find a flaw and go back to the Before pic, you can see that it is the same machine. On this particular machine I just wanted the cabinet so I got it. It came with a free machine. A very dirty free machine. I guess I just have a soft spot for the misfit toys.
Interesting side story on this machine and cabinet. When I picked it up it was missing the Drawer on the cabinet. It was missing the Slideplate, Bobbin Case, and a Bobbin too. I have spares for the machine parts but was going to have to call in a favor to have a drawer made. A few days after I picked it up I got an e-mail from the seller. She found the Drawer. I picked it up and the slideplate, Bobbin Case and Bobbin were in the drawer. Nice. I am so glad that she didn't just toss it all out. A lot of people would have.

Yankeegirl 06-13-2013 07:38 AM

Quick question - has anyone ever used WD-40 Rust Remover Soak? The bobbin winder on my new Free No.5 is nasty looking and I don't know how to get the rust off. Don't want to damage it as I am new to this.

J Miller 06-13-2013 08:36 AM

Originally Posted by Yankeegirl (Post 6119923)
Quick question - has anyone ever used WD-40 Rust Remover Soak? The bobbin winder on my new Free No.5 is nasty looking and I don't know how to get the rust off. Don't want to damage it as I am new to this.

I've not used the WD-40 product. What I do use is Evapo-Rust. Good stuff, works and doesn't hurt the base metal. Not too expensive and said to be environmentally friendly.

I suspect as long as you follow the instructions and can remove the rusted parts from the painted parts the WD-40 stuff should work just fine.


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