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miriam 06-24-2013 02:55 PM

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I'm wondering if something could be made to fit where the clutch goes... I was pondering my DGD's hand eye problems while clean up a derelict old Singer 15. The clutch thing is huge. Why couldn't a new one be made as a crank? Here is a pic of the part on a card I drew what I'm thinking. It would need a bend or curve and then a hole on the end for a knob like used to go on a car window or something that won't come off as it is cranked. It could be changed back and no harm done to the machine. Anyway here is what I'm thinking... Anybody think it would work?

miriam 06-24-2013 02:58 PM

Oh and the derelict Singer 15... when my sister was here from AZ we worked on the tension. I was shocked at how much that one cleaned up. It was pretty bad. I can see that this thing doesn't want to load up a picture again. I'll try later. I would like to do before and after if I can get the pictures to come up.

miriam 06-24-2013 03:04 PM

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Let's see if the old pic comes up:

miriam 06-24-2013 03:05 PM

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Well, it made some stitches today. It has a long way to go...

miriam 06-24-2013 03:08 PM

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Pics quit loading... This machine was not moving. I still would prefer to see dried up oil than rust. The motor is still frozen up. GK invasion... All of a sudden it moved this morning - it had time out with T-F over night. It still has a few bumps and I doubt if it will be a show piece in my hands. But it was a challenge to make it turn and then stitch.

miriam 06-24-2013 03:15 PM

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Lets try again:

miriam 06-24-2013 03:17 PM

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The bobbin area cleaned up surprisingly well. I doubt if it is smooth enough yet to keep from tearing up thread at high speed though. I found a bobbin case to fit.

miriam 06-24-2013 03:18 PM

I already got the part that was hanging down back on. Light wasn't so good last night.

miriam 06-24-2013 03:20 PM

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The poor machine was stashed in a barn near the big open door. It was in a cabinet but that was not enough protection.

miriam 06-24-2013 03:22 PM

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I have got to clean off the bobbin winder and motor - the rest is clean to touch but not pretty. I need magic...

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