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Charlee 06-24-2013 08:02 PM

I have one less now to classify my hoarder status....I just sold my 403A...posted it on Craigslist for a price that I didn't think anyone would go for....she's picking it up tomorrow. *sniff*

Windblown 06-24-2013 08:52 PM

Oh Charlee think of it as an empty space you have to fill.

Charlee 06-24-2013 09:50 PM

I kinda already filled it...but I think you're right....shopping therapy to help me get over my "loss"....

;) :D

miriam 06-25-2013 02:13 AM

Ha if you sell one 3 show up somehow.

grant15clone 06-25-2013 04:13 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by miriam (Post 6141477)
It doesn't look as good as I would like it to look but it does sew a stitch. I still feel a bit of a glitch somewhere when I turn it. The motor hasn't been worked on yet - I think it is frozen up. When I stuck it back on nothing moved. I used some green 'wet' oil I found at the bike shop for bike chains. It is probably too heavy and will need to come off but it seemed like when I used it stuff started to move all of a sudden. I figured this machine could be experimental. I'm partial to the Singer 15s and the clones. I think I haven't got one for parts yet. They all have been able to be made to sew.

Miriam, I picked up a 99 this past weekend and tested it. While it was running I felt that it was struggling a bit too much. I thought it was odd because it moved freely when I turned the handwheel. I started oiling it up and when I took off the footplate I found the problem. It was PACKED in there.


I cleaned it out and oiled it up. No more struggling.
Check behind the upper shaft balancer. I have found that this area is often the culprit. The balancer is the large "D" or "Y" shaped hunk of metal in the needlebar area and is what moves the needle bar up and down. Make sure you get oil back behind it, in between it and the bearing.

redmadder 06-25-2013 04:42 AM

So 8 machines makes you a hoarder? Thats like someone with no children telling you how to raise them.

And I ain't about to give up my 19 machines or even reduce them to 7. One at a time they are getting treated and repaired.

Which reminds me. I'm declaring July 'Rehabilitate Ruby' month. She's only 125 years old. I'll post pictures when we get started.

nanna-up-north 06-25-2013 04:44 AM

WoW!! It amazes me that people will sew with a machine and never think to clean out the fuzz!! They have to open up the bobbin area to put in a bobbin. Are they really that lazy? I must be a little OCD... I'm brushing out the bobbin area all the time.

Charlee 06-25-2013 05:29 AM

Originally Posted by miriam (Post 6142045)
Ha if you sell one 3 show up somehow.

If they're the right 3, I'll be happy with that!! :D :D :D

BoJangles 06-25-2013 05:50 AM

Originally Posted by Charlee (Post 6141886)
I have one less now to classify my hoarder status....I just sold my 403A...posted it on Craigslist for a price that I didn't think anyone would go for....she's picking it up tomorrow. *sniff*

Charlee, congratulations on selling the 403a - the person who paid your price knew what they were getting so that machine will be well taken care of! I love the 400 and 500 series machines!

As far as being a hoarder, I think that depends on the rest of your stuff! My FIL had probably over 100 clocks throughout his house and garage, but I would never call him a hoarder. The house was really neat, just had clocks on all the shelves and walls! I have probably over 50 machines, but they are not in the way, tripping me or blocking halls, etc. I probably am a hoarder, but I look at hoarders as people who are sloppy, not neat with cluttered dirty hard to get through houses!


grant15clone 06-25-2013 06:07 AM

Originally Posted by BoJangles (Post 6142488)
Charlee, congratulations on selling the 403a - the person who paid your price knew what they were getting so that machine will be well taken care of! I love the 400 and 500 series machines!

As far as being a hoarder, I think that depends on the rest of your stuff! My FIL had probably over 100 clocks throughout his house and garage, but I would never call him a hoarder. The house was really neat, just had clocks on all the shelves and walls! I have probably over 50 machines, but they are not in the way, tripping me or blocking halls, etc. I probably am a hoarder, but I look at hoarders as people who are sloppy, not neat with cluttered dirty hard to get through houses!


Nancy, I agree with you. There is a big difference between a collector and a hoarder. I think that one of the main keys is organization and how they are displayed. I saw pictures recently of a jaw dropping collection of over a thousand sewing machines in a woman's house. They were all neatly displayed and in groups. Here is a link. http://quiltville.blogspot.com/2013/...nes-oh-my.html
She is a collector, the most serious one I have seen to date. But not a hoarder, ok maybe by someone else's definition, but not mine.

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