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miriam 07-01-2013 04:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The thing that keeps the shuttle moves when you touch it...
you can also see the hole all the way to the gears if you look hard...

miriam 07-01-2013 04:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Maybe one more pic... I should have used this one in the first place. Can you see a little channel on the bottom just above where the cover rests - a set screw back there... Set screws in the gears are loose. I didn't probe that screw. Time out. Anybody tackle something like this before?

blueheavenfla 07-01-2013 05:11 PM

Miriam, You just have too much fun. Where in the world do you find all these toys?

miriam 07-01-2013 05:43 PM

I have absolutely no problem finding tons of machines. Indianapolis has no basements. We have garbage rationing here. We get one can a week - granted it is big enough to be a homeless shelter - kind of comforting if the need arises... So people donate or have garage sales... My biggest problem is to get rid of fixed up machines. I sell them dirt cheap on CL... I quit doing garage sales... We live in a crappy neighborhood... I am running out of room at the shop. I am finding that there were a LOT of cool machines other than Singer and other than the ones made in Europe... A whole lot more than I ever dreamed. No wonder everybody collects... I am LEARNING a lot working on these derelict machines. I just hope that Singer 223 doesn't end up a parts machine. It may be one of the best other than those gears.... an ounce of prevention would have gone a long ways. I wonder what grease should go back in there? Maybe there is a way to stick a cork in that hole to keep the lint out.

Miz Johnny 07-02-2013 06:17 AM

I know I'm wayyyy behind ya'll, but this is a truly stiff price for this Boye case. I have several (and just sold an empty case on wooden base for 5% of that), and believe me, I would NEVER have paid that high a price!! I know they have gone way up in price on Ebay, but this is pretty much ridiculous.

Originally Posted by grant15clone (Post 6146164)
Chris, That is a double edge sword. Do you buy it and sell some of the contents and let it pay for itself but lessen it as a collection and devalue it in the process, or leave it and be called a hoarder? :D I would love to have that thing for the shuttles and needles for inventory just in case, but leave it in tact.

Miz Johnny 07-02-2013 06:24 AM

So glad you're feeling better. I lost my best friend in February from pneumonia and sepsis. It happened so fast.

Cathy, you mentioned being at ISMACS and going to Faye's. I'm sure I must have talked to you there at one time or another; there weren't THAT many people there!! I am absolutely terrible with names; but I do remember faces!

Originally Posted by Mizkaki (Post 6148297)

Thanks for the concern. Yea, heck of a way to spend vacation, overnight at Kaiser's Hilton for pneumonia and sepsis. But they treated me like royalty. I'm WAY better now.


blueheavenfla 07-02-2013 06:45 AM

Wow, things have really changed in Indy since I lived there...all 4 homes in which I lived had basements and of course, those many eons ago, there was no garbage rationing. No wonder you can find so much good stuff to play with. What a great learning opportunity. Here it is hard to find anything in the way of machines that are affordable. I think folks get rid of them before they move down here.

Originally Posted by miriam (Post 6154684)
I have absolutely no problem finding tons of machines. Indianapolis has no basements. We have garbage rationing here. We get one can a week - granted it is big enough to be a homeless shelter - kind of comforting if the need arises... So people donate or have garage sales... My biggest problem is to get rid of fixed up machines. I sell them dirt cheap on CL... I quit doing garage sales... We live in a crappy neighborhood... I am running out of room at the shop. I am finding that there were a LOT of cool machines other than Singer and other than the ones made in Europe... A whole lot more than I ever dreamed. No wonder everybody collects... I am LEARNING a lot working on these derelict machines. I just hope that Singer 223 doesn't end up a parts machine. It may be one of the best other than those gears.... an ounce of prevention would have gone a long ways. I wonder what grease should go back in there? Maybe there is a way to stick a cork in that hole to keep the lint out.

miriam 07-02-2013 06:50 AM

Originally Posted by blueheavenfla (Post 6155536)
Wow, things have really changed in Indy since I lived there...all 4 homes in which I lived had basements and of course, those many eons ago, there was no garbage rationing. No wonder you can find so much good stuff to play with. What a great learning opportunity. Here it is hard to find anything in the way of machines that are affordable. I think folks get rid of them before they move down here.

HHHMMMM I can bring down a truck load and have a garage sale at YOUR house...
garbage rationing has been in the last 4 or 5 years

blueheavenfla 07-02-2013 07:03 AM

Well, we could have a lot of fun and you could have a Florida vacation but the gas money probably wouldn't get covered by the proceeds of the sale. I think we could do better at the local flea market since my house if 40 feet down a dirt driveway from the main street. Let's do it in January when it is still fairly nice here and COLD up there. My guest room will be ready for you and your DH.

What is the world do you do if there is a storm that tears down a bunch of tree branches and you have more than a garbage can full?

Originally Posted by miriam (Post 6155548)
HHHMMMM I can bring down a truck load and have a garage sale at YOUR house...
garbage rationing has been in the last 4 or 5 years

miriam 07-02-2013 07:17 AM

I'll be in FL in January but I'll be at a wedding on the other coast. Flea market might work if there is a way to plug them in or if I had room for treadles...

we cook out a lot in the back yard... LOL

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