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-   -   Vintage Sewing Machine Shop.....Come on in and sit a spell (https://www.quiltingboard.com/vintage-antique-machine-enthusiasts-f22/vintage-sewing-machine-shop-come-sit-spell-t43881.html)

BKinCO 04-26-2010 06:24 AM

Just wanted to hijack and say thanks to all of you for posting pictures of your machines. I'm not into antique machines...(yet.............. :roll: ) but I sure do like to look at them. Thanks for sharing!!!

Lostn51 04-26-2010 06:40 AM

Originally Posted by BKinCO
Just wanted to hijack and say thanks to all of you for posting pictures of your machines. I'm not into antique machines...(yet.............. :roll: ) but I sure do like to look at them. Thanks for sharing!!!

Well you are welcome to drop by anytime, the coffee is always on and I promise if you stick around here long enough you will catch the bug and start collecting. :mrgreen:


BKinCO 04-26-2010 06:53 AM

Originally Posted by Lostn51

Originally Posted by BKinCO
Just wanted to hijack and say thanks to all of you for posting pictures of your machines. I'm not into antique machines...(yet.............. :roll: ) but I sure do like to look at them. Thanks for sharing!!!

Well you are welcome to drop by anytime, the coffee is always on and I promise if you stick around here long enough you will catch the bug and start collecting. :mrgreen:


I'm sure my husband will thank you for that ;)

Charlee 04-26-2010 06:54 AM

Originally Posted by BKinCO
Just wanted to hijack and say thanks to all of you for posting pictures of your machines. I'm not into antique machines...(yet.............. :roll: ) but I sure do like to look at them. Thanks for sharing!!!

~grin~ I think you're already hooked! I started with, "I want a treadle because they look cool!" Found one in an antique store last October, almost bought it then, but put it off...the whole "finances" thing. A few months ago, William went back and bought it for me! :) (That's Hannah, the Singer 9W) I was happy, spent a fortune on needles for her because they're obsolete, and happily went about sewing Dear Jane blocks on her. Then a few weeks ago, we stumbled on Edna, that beautiful Wheeler & Wilson #8! Couldn't believe the price on her, and William gave up some of his fishing trip money to get her home! Then there's Hazel...poor Hazel....I couldn't let her be turned into a plant stand, and a good thing! She's another Wheeler & Wilson, a D-9 (the Singer 9W is the same basic machine, made at the same plant after Singer bought out W&W)
I don't see an end in sight... :lol:

no1jan 04-26-2010 06:55 AM

Originally Posted by Lostn51

Originally Posted by BKinCO
Just wanted to hijack and say thanks to all of you for posting pictures of your machines. I'm not into antique machines...(yet.............. :roll: ) but I sure do like to look at them. Thanks for sharing!!!

Well you are welcome to drop by anytime, the coffee is always on and I promise if you stick around here long enough you will catch the bug and start collecting. :mrgreen:


I take mine light, no sugar! I just made banana bread so I'll supply that! :D

I agree with Billy, you will catch the bug. Just sit down to one and sew a couple of inches, and you'll be hooked for life! :thumbup: :thumbup: :shock:

BKinCO 04-26-2010 07:09 AM

I shudder to think of the many, many treadles my in-laws had hanging around there house. I know I saw a least a half dozen.........one was outside & MIL used it as a potting bench. I used to always tell my dh that I wanted them ALL when people started kicking off :) No such luck.........the house was sold, lock, stock and barrel and some lucky coot got all those machines :(

Originally Posted by Charlee

Originally Posted by BKinCO
Just wanted to hijack and say thanks to all of you for posting pictures of your machines. I'm not into antique machines...(yet.............. :roll: ) but I sure do like to look at them. Thanks for sharing!!!

~grin~ I think you're already hooked! I started with, "I want a treadle because they look cool!" Found one in an antique store last October, almost bought it then, but put it off...the whole "finances" thing. A few months ago, William went back and bought it for me! :) (That's Hannah, the Singer 9W) I was happy, spent a fortune on needles for her because they're obsolete, and happily went about sewing Dear Jane blocks on her. Then a few weeks ago, we stumbled on Edna, that beautiful Wheeler & Wilson #8! Couldn't believe the price on her, and William gave up some of his fishing trip money to get her home! Then there's Hazel...poor Hazel....I couldn't let her be turned into a plant stand, and a good thing! She's another Wheeler & Wilson, a D-9 (the Singer 9W is the same basic machine, made at the same plant after Singer bought out W&W)
I don't see an end in sight... :lol:

BKinCO 04-26-2010 07:09 AM

I'm in for the banana bread, but you can keep the coffee......Ack!!!

Originally Posted by no1jan

Originally Posted by Lostn51

Originally Posted by BKinCO
Just wanted to hijack and say thanks to all of you for posting pictures of your machines. I'm not into antique machines...(yet.............. :roll: ) but I sure do like to look at them. Thanks for sharing!!!

Well you are welcome to drop by anytime, the coffee is always on and I promise if you stick around here long enough you will catch the bug and start collecting. :mrgreen:


I take mine light, no sugar! I just made banana bread so I'll supply that! :D

I agree with Billy, you will catch the bug. Just sit down to one and sew a couple of inches, and you'll be hooked for life! :thumbup: :thumbup: :shock:

no1jan 04-26-2010 07:18 AM

Well, I just wanted you to know I named my treadle. Billy says it's a Model 66-2 not 66-1. Learn something new everyday. ;-) :roll:

I named her after my MIL who is long passed. I was very close to my in-laws and it is only fitting to name it after her.

So "Smitty" it is. Her maiden name was Smith and my FIL used to call her that all the time. Now every time I look or sew on her it will remind me of the wonderful times we had together! :) :XD:

My "Smitty" is on the first page if you would like to meet her! :) :)

no1jan 04-26-2010 07:21 AM

John and all the others who have posted their picture. I think they are gorgeous.

Charlee, you really have your work cut out for you. I am sure it will be sparkling soon!

Can't wait to see after-photos.

John, I love this thread!!:):) Great job!

thequilterslink 04-26-2010 09:07 AM

wonderful pictures, thank you all for sharing. I have a treadle i got at an auction for $25., and 2 other small machines, one is in a box (stinky)$3.00 and one weighs a ton, paid $1.00 for it, i have the two sitting on a high boy cupboard, can't reach them without dh's help to see what they are. When i get new camera i will take pics and share.

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